virtual experience

Four Daniels
A three-dimensional
video and music installation experience within a
virtual performance space.
Creative Director: Toshi Anders Hoo
Producer & Technical Director: Akmyrat Tuyliyev
Composer: Daniel Berkman
Developers: Tucker Heaton & Akmyrat Tuyliyev
Production Design: Liza Bender
Filmed & Produced at the Emerging Media Lab at IFTF
Captured with. DepthKit
Additional Technical Support Provided by Jordan Pagels
This is a Virtual Video of the performance Four Daniels. This interactive video will allow you to navigate the space using your mouse; or by using your mobile devices positioning.
downloadable experience
This downloadable solo experience allows you to save the virtual experience directly to your Windows or Mac computer, and provides navigation of the space using your keyboard, mouse, and screen. The experience will begin upon opening.
Click here for Apple's instructions for downloading this application.
Key commands to quit the application after the performance:
Windows: ALT + F4
Mac: Command + Q
virtual reality experience
The Bubble will soon be offering Virtual Reality experiences using VRChat.
If you are interested in experiencing The Bubble in this Windows compatible VR Headset and Keyboard/Screen navigation friendly platform, please click the link below to register for the premier event.
The Bubble is an experience under continuing development. The Bubble is constantly seeking ways to improve digital and virtual accessibility. If you have feedback, it is welcome.
The Bubble is also open to future development collaborations and experimental platform collaborations.
Virtual technology is changing quickly; The Bubble is eager to partake in development of these changes.